Mr Trollop opened his eyes rather widely at this novel aspect of the case.
Indeed, the single most novel aspect of this election, as opposed to the previous one, is likely to be the significant participation of Sunni voters.
During this time, he was also thinking about much more novel aspects of flight, especially how stability might be maintained.
Media interest in 60second Recap's subsequent launch focused on two novel aspects of its design.
Beyond its novel legal aspects, the Government's appeal presents a delicate issue of international relations.
Women's participation in the Chipko agitation was a very novel aspect of the movement.
This subsequently results in conscious attention being drawn to novel aspects of situations.
I would, however, like to draw your attention to several new and, in my opinion, novel aspects that have emerged during this particular campaign.
The novel aspect of this business strategy is that it combines what seems at first to be different, the gift and the commodity.
Most journalists portrayed Unarius as a curiosity and accentuated its novel aspects.