The notoriously private psychoanalyst had refused to be interviewed, but Pollak worked for years tracing his history.
Privacy rights are very limited in criminal actions, even in the notoriously private Nevada corporations.
Hollywood star and activist George Clooney is notoriously private when it comes to his personal life.
Lee hasn't given any interviews since 1964, a problem that Murphy attempts to solve by interviewing the notoriously private author's friends and relatives.
New York's "visual poet laureate" was notoriously private and publicity shy.
Until recently, the couple had been notoriously private about their relationship.
Ella Baker was a notoriously private person.
From such a notoriously private person as Jolie, it's nice to get a tiny peek into her personal world.
The rich are notoriously private and quick to punish advisers who do not maintain strict confidentiality about them.
He has very rarely given interviews and is notoriously private.