Now he was ready for the worst-boar's tusks were notoriously dirty and deadly.
Such negativity is common in the state's notoriously dirty politics.
In previous decades, homeless families were processed through one notoriously dirty Bronx office, the Emergency Assistance Unit, and were frequently forced to sleep overnight on benches.
Hardly a round went by without a foul being claimed in a notoriously dirty grudge match.
Goldfish are notoriously dirty, producing much waste, and continually stir up the substrate in their infinite search for food.
Ethiopian currency is mostly in note form and notoriously dirty.
Pullo comments on the cleanliness of the upscale brothel; most brothels were notoriously dirty, smelly, and violent.
From Virginia to Alabama to California, candidates were calling one another liars and crooks with remarkable enthusiasm, out-mudsplattering even the notoriously dirty campaigns of 1988.
Yakka Mongols, even adopted ones, were notoriously dirty fighters.
This was carried out in premises known as "boyauderies" (gut factories) and was a notoriously dirty, smelly and unhealthy business.