The police force is inadequate and notoriously brutal.
The military, which ruled Peru through the 1970's, is notoriously brutal and corrupt.
Abakumov was a notoriously brutal official who was known to torture prisoners personally.
But efforts to persuade the public to rely on the police - once a notoriously brutal enforcer of apartheid policies - have been far from successful.
The notoriously brutal police are hot on their trail.
In recent years, softer artificial materials have replaced AstroTurf, with its notoriously brutal impact on the falling athlete's body.
After the war, many survivors testified of her notoriously brutal beatings.
The training there was notoriously brutal.
The wounds it produced were notoriously brutal.
American military training for Indonesia's notoriously brutal anti-riot troops is a dangerous idea that was expressly prohibited by Congress on human rights grounds years ago.