In the 1960s and 1970s the area was notorious as Southampton's red-light district with high crime rates.
It is notorious as Zurich's red light district, with a soaring crime rate, drug dealing and brothels.
This country's elite has been notorious for corruption, with some elected officials the most voracious at the trough.
The mini series became notorious for a clash with Australia's actors equity.
It is notorious for being angular, with sudden changes of slope rather than a smooth arch.
The band's stage show soon became notorious, with acts such as chainsawing guitars in half part of their performance.
It pleases her to be notorious, especially with someone like me.
The building also has a large undercover car park, notorious with employees for its very narrow parking spaces.
In 1984, conditions at the hospital had become notorious with reports of patient abuse, understaffing and poor record-keeping.
Many euphoriants are notorious for their problems with abuse, addiction, and dependence.