On the other hand, AnimeFringe stated that Sephiroth is one of "the most notorious villain in the entire Final Fantasy series."
You saw this notorious villain at my father's funeral.
Vertex (Colin Murdock): A notorious villain and Flip City's most wanted individual.
He is well documented, for defending in the UK media, "some of the country's most notorious villains".
Why had he cared so deeply for the orog, a notorious villain that would have torn the heart from his chest if given the chance?
Charming went immediately to the jail, where he instructed the warden to execute the most notorious villain incarcerated therein.
Rock's role eventually developed from a sympathetic antihero to a notorious villain who will do almost anything for his personal causes (in Vampires and Alabaster).
While the group were notorious villains on-screen, they received praise off-screen for their performances.
It is ruled by City of Heroes universe's most notorious villain: Lord Recluse.
The sect only becomes known to the wulin (martial artists' community) after Li Mochou became a notorious villain.