This experience brought him into contact with some of the most notorious offenders of the last 30 years, including Charles Bronson and Dennis Nilsen.
Although Hamilton was the most notorious offender, a series of investigations in the 90s revealed a political culture in which, even with a register of interests, numerous MPs were moonlighting as paid lobbyists and consultants.
Both cases were presided over by the praetor Marcus Livius Drusus Claudianus-ironically, in the view of Caelius, since Drusus himself was "a notorious offender"-and evidently came to nothing.
ARTICLE VI: That he will immediately seize and deliver up any dacoits or notorious offenders that right take refuge within his territories.
But the outgoing administrator, Carol Browner, found that she was forced to intervene in at least a dozen states - Virginia and Texas were notorious offenders - that failed to crack down on polluters.
William of Longchamp, Bishop of Ely, was another notorious offender on this score, though the chief complaint about him was the number of his hounds and hawks (hawks had a specially expensive diet).
However, they likewise could not have imagined factory farming or vast corporate interests that capture wildlife to the degree and scale of today's companies like SeaWorld and Feld Entertainment, to name some more notorious offenders.
Wherein most grieuous and notorious offenders are cited to bring forth true frutes of repentance, before the day of the Lord now at hand.
The speculation has been fanned by his continued association with some former key Duvalier aides and his failure to pursue criminal charges against some of the most notorious human-rights offenders from the old regime.
Goodell is probably not finished with his crackdown on the N.F.L.'s most notorious offenders.