It is thought that he took part in the notorious massacre of some two hundred men and boys in Lawrence, Kansas, a center of abolitionists.
Katyn is one notorious massacre by the NKVD.
It was also the scene of the conflict's most notorious massacre, in the village of El Mozote.
To carry out the most notorious massacre of the Bosnian war, the organizers devised an elaborate ruse.
Generally, they were seen as unbelievers and suffered Wahhabi raids, with a notorious massacre in ʿArʿar valley.
Investigators have drawn a blank at some of the sites of the most notorious alleged massacres.
While at Si magazine, Mr. Arrieta reported that a death squad run by the Government's intelligence services committed a notorious massacre in 1992.
Libyans hold him responsible for the notorious 1996 massacre of about 1,200 inmates at Tripoli's Abu Salim prison.
During the Irish Confederate Wars of the 1640s Timolin was the scene of a notorious massacre.
Elvir's father had been killed in the war; the boy had escaped with his mother, who came from Srebrenica (site of a notorious massacre).