The political system was corrupt, with leaders notorious for controlling elections and manipulating judges and juries.
He had heard the notorious leader of the Kilumbemba mercenary forces called many things, but never anything so flattering as that.
How do you think the families of notorious leaders be treated?
More recently, Abu Nidal, another notorious terrorist leader, is said to have re-established an operations base in Iraq.
He also praised the notorious paramilitary leader and indicted war criminal known as Arkan.
He is a close ally of the movement's most notorious leader, Shamil Basayev.
He was killed in order of some notorious political leader.
Last April, one of the Aryan movement's most notorious leaders was convicted of plotting her murder.
Yet another Arnold Winkelried, sometimes conflated with the aforementioned, was a notorious mercenary leader during the first quarter of the 16th century.
Meanwhile notorious Pakistani terrorist leader Mansoor Akthar arrived in the camp.