The group had one notorious drinker, Prince Paras, Gyanendra's son.
He was a famous lover and notorious drinker on several continents.
Another notorious drinker and former baseball star Mike Donlin appears as "Mike", a few months before his fatal heart attack.
Finns are notorious drinkers and there are plenty of quirky little bars, but they also make the best coffee in the world.
A notorious drinker, Stack was known to be seen at marathons running with a six pack and he'd invariably finish the six pack well into the race.
Donlin was a flamboyant playboy, a sharp dresser and a notorious drinker.
MacPhail was a notorious drinker, and he was as hot-tempered as his manager.
He quickly becomes a major screen presence and a notorious drinker.
A notorious drinker and womaniser, he flogged his workers and extorted high taxes.
In fact, the character was to be found among those who frequented it, which included some of the village's most notorious drinkers.