He had notorious affairs with actresses Pola Negri, Helen Morgan and Lupe Vélez (all detailed in his 1975 autobiography The World I Lived In).
Addison Randall twice married and divorced actress Louise Stanley, and he carried on a notorious affair with silent film actress Louise Brooks.
Because of this and the fact that Joana of Portugal was having a notorious affair with Beltrán de La Cueva, a Castilian noble, Juana was never considered legitimate.
So started one of the most notorious affairs in American history.
And they'd have to consider Jack's notorious affair with Karen, whose husband had ended up shooting Karen dead in front of half the Memphis Police Department-and on television.
Spicer was from a rural county near the Louisiana line, and the Angola scam was a notorious affair in his part of the state.
The doctor's notorious affair with Senator Tackett was rehashed for those whose memories had faded.
Milady brings the Cardinal information regarding the notorious affair between the queen of France and the English Duke of Buckingham.
She also had an illegitimate half-brother, Edward Vere, by her father's notorious affair with Anne Vavasour, the Queen's Lady of the Bedchamber.
The second marriage between the two ended after Randall became involved in a notorious affair with actress Louise Brooks.