Katherine N. Lapp, the Mayor's criminal justice coordinator, said the notification program would be operating within eight months.
Even after the limited notification program, which affected slightly over one million cars, executives continued to raise concerns about the placement of the module on the distributor.
Dr. Ziolkowski pushed for the notification program two years ago after eight East Penn school nurses noticed students' weight gains.
In addition, you may use the Call Center or Internet to update your contact information and/or change your decision about participation in the notification program.
And a few expermental notification programs have resulted in more lawsuits, but not substantially more damages being awarded against companies.
It is a desktop web metasearch engine, web page content change analysis tracker and notification program by Intelliseek.
The water department is beginning a notification program with phone calls and bill inserts, Ms. Ward said.
The Federal Government is requiring states to establish public notification programs.
The utility of applicator certification and public notification programs are also of unknown value in their ability to prevent adverse outcomes.
A notification program on the laptop can minimize the cost of checking from hotels or other places that impose per-minute charges.