Necrons were previously seen in Winter Assault at the end of the single-player campaign, but noticeably stronger.
Renna's hands felt so much larger than Naroin's, if not noticeably stronger.
All along their line Ottoman resistance grew noticeably stronger.
Faulwell managed to open his eyes and, when he answered, his voice was noticeably stronger.
Our economic foundation, although it has become noticeably stronger, is still shaky and very weak.
That was noticeably stronger than the 2 percent rate of growth during the third quarter and the 2.6 percent measured in the second quarter.
As the ship went on, that tingling grew noticeably stronger.
Visually, the character, who has acquired a noticeably stronger presence since the first film, is a marvel of computer graphics.
The wind was noticeably stronger than usual that weekend at the Hatchery, and the atmosphere more serious.
Mother had been trying to hail it for several minutes, but the local interference was noticeably stronger.