All the Novagaians she saw looked fit and healthy, with skins noticeably darker than hers.
The tail has relatively little hair, and is noticeably darker on the upper surface.
His skin in noticeably darker than the goddess', which offers color contrast to the composition.
One of them was conspicuously empty, the faded green backing noticeably darker where something had been removed.
Along with these differences, the album is noticeably darker in both lyrics and feel.
But in a small percentage of adults, eye color can naturally become either noticeably darker or lighter with age.
He turned slowly to face me, and I noticed his scales were noticeably darker than normal.
It can also be sexually differentiated based on color of the adult birds, as hens usually have a noticeably darker hue.
It was noticeably darker inside the barn when Harlow slowly began to come to.
Developed by feelplus, the game's art style is noticeably darker than its predecessor.