Their bodies and movement pattern noticeably altered from what was known through past experience, and behaving in a manner contradictory as such.
The executive director of its civilian oversight committee noted in January 2009 that this has noticeably altered the spy agency and urged policy improvements to manage its growing operations overseas.
It often has been noticeably altered due to weathering.
This phenotype also coincided with the complete loss of cellular motility in HPB-ALL, even though adhesion to substrate was not noticeably altered.
Damaged flags can be repaired and utilized as long as the overall dimensions are not noticeably altered.
In the event, the critics' forecast was proved correct, but the outcome was not noticeably altered.
Hair and dress styles had altered noticeably: the Russian girls copied the French or German women around them.
I'd been moving off-course, and when I turned again I saw the rig's configuration had altered noticeably.
They also said no programs would be noticeably altered.
The miniseries version of Korba was noticeably altered.