With only three steals in seven attempts, Henderson is part of the reason for the noticeable reduction in stolen bases this season.
Its novelty could possibly insure a noticeable reduction, over several weeks, of an inch or two in hip measurement.
This leads to a noticeable reduction in signal strength.
There has been a noticeable reduction in the ratio of debt to GDP.
Transit officials said there was no noticeable reduction in ridership, but statistics were not immediately available.
If all they did was just to leave the additional cops on the streets, we would have had a noticeable reduction in crime.
Another report observed a noticeable reduction in burglary from 1981, the year before the ordinance was passed, to 1999.
Salina clapped her hands, and there was a barely noticeable reduction in the volume of sound.
After the tightening of controls of permits, the 1830s saw a noticeable reduction in population growth.
This significantly improved reliability by reducing stresses on the power plant, whilst not causing a noticeable reduction in performance.