No one really noticed his absence...including the show's writers, who never bothered to bring him back.
You notice changes in sleep patterns, including difficulty sleeping or needing to sleep a lot more than usual.
He noticed a set of military gear in a corner, including a sword with a crescent-shaped guard.
But you might be noticing some mental alterations-anything at all, including mild hallucinations.
I noticed several other female couples, many of them including at least one young woman who earned her living playing tournament golf.
Visitors noticed the high level of security, including armed guards and a plethora of weapons.
I noticed many dead bodies of women and children, including a totally burned body of a child.
So, he noticed, did everyone in the room, including Charlene.
While examining the data, we noticed many common traits, including a penchant on the part of both races to indulge in warfare.
He noticed the medical units to which the man in the chair was welded, including the one that oc cupied half of his head.