There have been noteworthy improvements to the physical structure in the past few years.
Drivetrain choices remained basically as before but the high-performance pair received several noteworthy improvements.
The most noteworthy improvement was in long-distance, which had been slumping badly a year ago.
With respect to the developing nations, however, noteworthy improvements in some areas are offset by strains in others.
After eight months in development, the new version brings some noteworthy improvements and updated software.
Sense comes with its own custom version of the home screen that offers a number of noteworthy improvements over the default Android environment.
But the most noteworthy improvement came when a sizable horse trailer was hooked to the prototype.
Perhaps Mexico City's most noteworthy improvement came a decade later, when the city fathers opened the gates on the first line of an innovative subway system.
The update brings an overhauled desktop user interface and a number of noteworthy architectural improvements under the hood.
The update brings a number of noteworthy improvements to the open source desktop environment.