I kept in my pocket a small pad on which incidents were noted daily from the landing until the surrender.
Nothing very startling was noted until 1948, when cortisone first became available in reasonable quantity.
The presence of Pakistanis in Spain was not much noted by mainstream society until late in the year 2000.
Cowboy's obsession with death is not noted until "Sprite Quest".
It was noted for its tree-lined streets, numerous fountains, and pleasant parks, at least until the tree-cutting campaigns initiated in 2009 by local government.
It is noted as the location of Napoleon's second exile from 1815 until his death on 5 May 1821.
His more important work as a novelist, in which he ranks with Robert Greene and Thomas Nashe, was not noted until much later.
As a player, he was a defender from 1984 to 2001 and is most noted for his nine-year spell at Manchester United from 1989 until 1998.
The disappearances were not noted by the locals until the following day, at which point they contacted state police in Fairbanks on Friday night.
The town developed from the mid 12th century onwards, but was not noted until the 13th century.