Puin has not published the entirety of his work, but noted unconventional verse orderings, minor textual variations, and rare styles of orthography.
There are noted variations of kalliopi and some argue that the dish is best served hot, while others have a clear preference to eat it cold.
Charles Whitham notes variations on the date.
When Mädler observed this area in the 1830s, he noted variations in the curved dark streaks that form this mare, leading him to speculate that the changes were caused by vegetation.
For several years, Medicare officials have advocated a pay-for-performance system, noting wide regional variations in the practices of hospitals and medical specialists.
The group came to its conclusion by noting seasonal variations in the counts registered on their detector, as expected if Earth is passing through a cloud of the particles in its orbit.
But you surrender to "Into Great Silence" as you would to a piece of music, noting the repetitions and variations, encountering surprises just when you think you've figured out the pattern.
Amongst other interesting observations he noted variations in which an expected body-part has been replaced by another (which he called homeotic).
When Moving Heart, from County Clare, played the Blarney Star two weeks ago, its members carefully explained the provenance of each tune, sometimes noting regional variations.
"If anything, they are down slightly, but it is hard to read from the statistics," he said, noting wide month-to-month and building-to-building variations.