Later, I was pleased to find the following note of support posted: "Generic name: weed tree.
The longer notes posted larger losses than the shorter notes yesterday.
While short-term securities were the most popular, longer-term notes and bonds also posted gains.
But long-term note and bond issues posted small gains.
Meanwhile, shorter-term notes and bills posted only modest declines.
A note posted on February 5 welcomed visitors who managed to find the site on their own, but called it "(not) quite public yet."
I've been all over the Internet, posted notes on rat chat boards.
Treasury bond prices tumbled, while notes and bills posted smaller losses.
"It is sad how we are seen as common criminals now," a correspondent with the alias of stevo1376 wrote in a note posted in November.
A note posted on the door of the professor's office read, "Please do not enter room."