But the experts say that some polls have now begun to note his support among white Catholic voters wavering.
However, it noted the city's high public support.
He noted his strong support for a drug bill now before Congress that would permit use of the death penalty for drug-related murders.
The other two noted their support of Mr. Vallone's positions more often than they took issue with them.
She went out of her way to note her support for the death penalty, welfare restrictions and a balanced budget.
More than a dozen Senators appeared on the floor with long, prepared speeches noting their support of veterans.
Noting his support for some of the candidates, he stated, "I thought Kaat would get in.
I particularly want to emphasise that the EU notes Israel's support for this project.
I noted Commissioner Michel's passionate support for these agreements.
The Commission has also noted Parliament's support for more efficient levels of administrative expenditure, and will continue to act in that direction.