Many noted journalism excellence have noted Issar's contribution in Indian Media .
Sander noted Moore's contribution, saying that "at times there's more technology and electronics than in the average house release."
Thirlwall, notes Goulet's contribution to the broadening of the notion of development to include economic and social objectives and the values that societies strive for.
Reverend Sandra Trapnell officiated, noting his "great" contribution to the sport, and the many tributes that had appeared.
During the 2009-10 season, journalists increasingly noted Xavi's contribution to the Barcelona side(monetary).
The flags of the province and of the city are both adorned with a white fleur-de-lys to note his contribution.
The newspaper's tribute noted Richardson's contribution in finishing the book on behalf of Postlethwaite, who died prior to its completion.
Scholars note Bhaṭṭa's contribution to the decline of Buddhism.
Hjørland also notes Peirce's "important" contribution.
The cover caption "All the world's his power house" noted his contribution to electrical power generation.