The second phase took place in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, a period noted for the decline of pottery industry following the fall of the Seljuk dynasty.
Pritchard noted an improvement in the team's artistic abilities following their work on the past two games, and he is noted as saying that "AoK became a showcase for their improved talent".
ESPN noted Jackson as one of the best signings for the 2012-13 season following his successful seasonal European debut.
Point-à-Pitre Mayor Jacques Bangou noted following Bino's death that, "For the past 48 hours the streets have been in the hands of groups of young people, completely out of control."
Clarence B. Moore noted in 1908, following a visit, that some thirty rises and mounds, small and large, could be counted within the enclosure.
NOTE: The following information is general.
Minister, I note your commitment to review the Irish Sea herring stock in February, following the damaging 10% cut in the total allowable catch.
"She seems to be screening for both of them," Owen Blanchard noted, following the pair with his ultrasenses.
As he often noted to his fellow crewmembers following his transfer from the U.S.S. Enterprise, taking the boy out of engineering rarely translated to taking the engineering out of the boy.
Linda Schele noted following the conference that this is like saying that the inscriptions of ancient Egypt-or the writings of Greek philosophers or historians-do not reveal anything important about their cultures.