It is a notable facility due to its ability to treat 1 gallon of waste water for 1/3000th of a penny.
This was considered an extremely modern facility, most notable for having an IBM 1401 computer on the third floor.
A notable extra facility was carry propagation to simplify vector mode addition.
There are several other notable facilities and rooms within the Cathedral of Learning.
Onhuno is a developing place,the notable facilities in this area,is the weighbridge.
A notable facility in the area is the Maindy Centre consisting of a cycle track and swimming pool.
A number of other notable facilities have opened in the region over the last decade, providing a wider offering for the tourist market.
But its most notable facility is far from luxurious, its grim purpose the antithesis of recreation.
Some notable current facilities of the college include:
Other notable facilities include the recreation center, softball field, intramural fields, and Greek Row.