In most Australian states a similar set of laws allows not-for-profit associations to become legal entities with a limit to the liability of its members.
While the majority are organized as not-for-profit associations, some type clubs are run as for-profit businesses.
The Information Security Forum is an independent, not-for-profit association of security experts worldwide.
The commission is registered as a not-for-profit association.
CPSA is a not-for-profit association, which currently has 30,000 members.
Yankee 24 is a not-for-profit association of 400 banks.
A common way to do that, and simultaneously glaze the programs with a patina of respectability, is to market the programs through not-for-profit associations.
Trans Europe Halles is a not-for-profit association, run in a decentralised way.
It was the beginning of the only international, professional, not-for-profit association dedicated exclusively to the pursuit of excellence in incentives.
IPS is registered as an international not-for-profit association.