Swanson was considered a fitting representative of Hollywood's past, remembered nostalgically by older fans but unknown to many younger movie viewers.
For those who nostalgically remember the dollar's high value of the mid-1980's, the adjustment may be more painful.
And why not substitute a bygone Harlem, nostalgically remembered as a stylishly self-contained cradle for dazzling musical talent, for the fantastical dukedom of Illyria?
He drives a newer model car now but nostalgically remembers the old Corolla.
There is a great deal of tension in this scene as the family remembers nostalgically its traditions as they break away from them.
For the old-timers, who have spent decades nostalgically remembering what Harlem was, it is a realization that Harlem finally is changing - but not changing back.
He remembered nostalgically Florida Street with its elegant stores and the itinerant multitude.
The transgressions the narrator remembers rather nostalgically, seeking to account for the fear he sees in these young women, are not remarkable - suburban cordiality overstepping its limits.
Golden periods alternated with years when Sparta fans only nostalgically remembered the "good old times".
Kindergarten classrooms are far less user friendly than parents nostalgically remember.