He stood for a minute, thoughtful, filled with nostalgic regret for the things that might have been.
But the inexorable process of internationalization is well under way, and despite some nostalgic regrets by Westerners at that loss of innocence, the players welcome the chance to make fresh contact with the outside.
There was no nostalgic regret in the way she spoke: it was a straightforward statement.
She looked back with nostalgic regret on the idle days of eating and drinking and painting and making love which had led her into her present embarrassed circumstances.
A laconic, carnage-filled followup to the author's Border Trilogy, the novel is so suffused with nostalgic regret for the vanished West-though not John Ford's sentimentalized version-that Peckinpah himself would have coveted it as a movie property, along with McCarthy's Blood Meridian.
Few would care to exchange the peace of the Mule's steady grip for the chaos that had preceded, On the worlds that five years previously had known the Foundation, there might be a nostalgic regret, but no more.
Each scene is powerful and evocative, but it is played out in a single register - one of nostalgic regret - that, for all its plangency, becomes monotonous.
Nevertheless, those were happy days; such an oasis as life seldom allows us, to be remembered long after with nostalgic regret.
Their intimacy is tinged with nostalgic regret.