Or is this merely the forcible making of a man out of a simple outline - the Palestinian official with nostalgic dreams of grandeur?
But Chatham still feels like the quintessential small town of our nostalgic dreams.
The memory of his home in Denmark runs in his head as a refrain; Irena is endowed with nostalgic dreams.
I have always found balance a nostalgic dream, Your Majesty.
To attend an Andrea Marcovicci cabaret performance is to visit Andrealand, a grown-up theme park devoted entirely to nostalgic dreams of romance and music.
To me though this is much more a landscape of alienation, and I miss my creek which now seems only to be a nostalgic dream.
In most parts of agricultural Britain that state of affairs is now a nostalgic dream.
Should I, if I married, cease to be haunted by nostalgic dreams?
Meanwhile, nostalgic dreams give way to the hard financial realities.
She had been lost in a nostalgic dream of home.