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Look, if you want to take off on a nostalgia trip or something, that's okay, but leave me out of it.
Others call it the nostalgia trip of a few visionaries.
They're likely to dismiss it as a nostalgia trip for parents.
HE is not on a nostalgia trip, but sometimes his feet just take him in that direction.
I don't know what their motivation is but we're certainly not on a nostalgia trip.
But perhaps it was a nostalgia trip for the two of you?
Now, with the farm gone, there's no excuse for such a nostalgia trip.
Serious Sam 3 is a nostalgia trip with some mindless fun.
Going through all of the stuff in the closets was like a nostalgia trip.
It was not a nostalgia trip but a reconciliation, one more new start on American soil.