In the tiny town of Makwasie, in the northernmost province, eight people recently attacked a farmer when he opened his door to a knock.
The northernmost and widest province is the Wabigoon.
Eritrea is the East African country's northernmost province.
Chiang Rai, the northernmost province in Thailand, is one of the country's most rural areas.
It is the northernmost province and it shares an international border with Rwanda.
It is the northernmost province in the Piura Region.
Greece insists that only its own northernmost province is entitled to that name.
At the same time, Siam quietly annexed Cambodia's three northernmost provinces.
It is the administrative capital and commercial centre of Finland's northernmost province, Lapland.
They won in 1991, and two years later, Eritrea, which had been the northernmost province of Ethiopia only since 1962, separated peacefully.