And he and his descendants stood athwart the northern marches and denied them to the enemy.
After that, he was always riding on the northern marches of Narnia, hunting for that venomous worm, to kill it and be avenged.
They passed on into the northern marches of that land that men once called Ithilien, a fair country of climbing woods and swift falling streams.
(from 'So they passed into the northern marches of that land that Men once called Ithilien').
I heard it blowing dim upon the northern marches thirteen days ago, and the River brought it to me, broken: it will wind no more.
His father had built the barrier down below as part of the outer line of the northern marches.
The northern marches claimed his attention and that was where his heart was.
How thankful I was that Richard was lord of the northern marches, so that we could live there in the free fresh air.
Well, at least our northern marches are secure-anyway, secure as they've ever been, considering the temper and endless feuds of the Borderers.
Ah, but the blade was poisoned - green sap from the northern marches.