January 7: A gas leak inside a coal mine in northern Turkey killed eight workers.
Yegorov was already inside, drawing on a chart of the Black Sea and northern Turkey.
Gemlik is a variety from the Gemlik area of northern Turkey.
D-010 is a major west-east state road in northern Turkey that serves the Black Sea coast.
The small fish, popular in northern Turkey's coastal cooking, is marinated in lime, ginger and coriander.
Akarsu was born and raised in Amasra, in northern Turkey.
It is found in northern Turkey.
He was born in northern Turkey, at Sinop on the Black Sea.
It is also closely related to Nordmann Fir to the east in northern Turkey.
Its range extends into southwest Asia in the mountains of northern Turkey and the Caucasus.
January 7: A gas leak inside a coal mine in northern Turkey killed eight workers.
Yegorov was already inside, drawing on a chart of the Black Sea and northern Turkey.
Gemlik is a variety from the Gemlik area of northern Turkey.
D-010 is a major west-east state road in northern Turkey that serves the Black Sea coast.
This article is on the town in Kastamonu Province in northern Turkey.
Akarsu was born and raised in Amasra, in northern Turkey.
It is found in northern Turkey.
He was born in northern Turkey, at Sinop on the Black Sea.
It is also closely related to Nordmann Fir to the east in northern Turkey.
Its range extends into southwest Asia in the mountains of northern Turkey and the Caucasus.