Back of beyond in the mountains of northern Oaxaca, Huautla has had a far bigger impact on Western civilization than vice versa.
Before becoming used industrially the tuber was used by Chinantec healers in northern Oaxaca as an abortifacient and in cures for aching joints.
Miguel Alemán Lake is in the Papaloapan Region of northern Oaxaca, Mexico.
It is not known to migrate, ranging from within 250 miles of the U.S. border in southern Tamaulipas to northern Oaxaca.
Sierra Madre Oriental, from south-east San Luis Potosí south to northern Oaxaca.
In the north it reaches as far as southern Chihuahua and Coahuila, and in the south, it can be found as far as northern Oaxaca.
As part of her work with CACTUS, she worked to organize women's collectives in northern Oaxaca.
The Pueblan milk snake is found in southern Puebla, eastern Morelos and northern Oaxaca, Mexico.
As a tropical cyclone, Paine brought rainfall to most of Mexico, including heavier amounts along the coastline and interior northern Oaxaca.
Yatzachi Zapotec is an Oto-Manguean language of the Zapotecan branch, spoken in northern central Oaxaca, Mexico.