Formerly also in Bangladesh as well as northern Malaysia.
A woman will often wear a baju kurung with a headscarf (a tudung) in the more conservative states in northern Malaysia.
It was closely tied to Funan in Cambodia, which also ruled part of northern Malaysia until the 6th century.
It is primarily practiced in northern Malaysia and southern Thailand.
In northern Malaysia it is responsible for some 700 incidents of snakebite annually with a mortality rate of about 2 percent.
They are known to occur in four sites in northern and central Malaysia.
The oldest of these originated in what are now northern Malaysia, Thailand and southern Vietnam.
Several traditional dances were influenced by silat, such as the inai dance from northern Malaysia.
In northern Malaysia, officials said floods caused by heavy monsoon rains have forced more than 10,000 people to evacuate their homes and several schools to close.
L. p. amabilis breeds from northern Malaysia northwards.