Mr. Franey was born in 1921 in Tonnerre, in northern Burgundy, the focal point of great French cooking.
Franey grew up in northern Burgundy, France.
Leaving Barneys in Order The journey to decision took place in part on a bike trip through northern Burgundy in June.
In any case, the stock on hand gave me a good excuse to prepare a lusty country dish that I often enjoyed as a boy in northern Burgundy.
In the coolness of Oregon, as in northern Burgundy, the grapes ripen slowly, almost painfully, developing (theoretically, at least) intense flavor and bouquet.
César is an ancient red wine grape from northern Burgundy.
The $60 event will offer five great examples of classic white wine varietals and travel from northern Burgundy to California and Oregon to taste red wines.
The earliest accounts record the family's beginnings in the pagus Attoariensis around Dijon in northern Burgundy.
Adalrich's family originated in the pagus Attoariensis around Dijon in northern Burgundy.
The French have several varieties; the most common are the dark green ones associated with the Loire region and the clay-colored ones from northern Burgundy.