After graduating in 1949, he was sent to teach in Teplice in northern Bohemia.
He was born in the village of Stanový in the Liberec district of northern Bohemia.
After 1953 he moved to Litvínov, an industrial town in northern Bohemia.
Rieger was born into the household of a miller in the small town of Semily in northern Bohemia.
May 1986 A police car blocks the entrance to his country farmhouse, Hradecek, in northern Bohemia.
The young mothers came as youngsters from Slovakia in the 1970's to northern Bohemia, where their parents were employed in the coal and uranium mines.
After his graduation he left Brno for Teplitz in northern Bohemia to work as a traveling salesman.
He grouped his new possessions into a territory called Friedland (Frýdlant) in northern Bohemia.
He and Olga had bought a tumble-down farmhouse in northern Bohemia.
First landmark after only a kilometre or two is the viewing point at Hlavatice which gives a fine panorama over the rest of northern Bohemia.