Culturally, the county remained closer to its historical ties with St. Louis than to more northerly areas within the state.
The landscape is home to one of the most northerly wine-growing areas in Europe.
This is usually the most northerly area with some farming activity, and Barley was traditionally grown even as far north as Alta.
There is some evidence of cremation in the northerly area.
In Shetland the situation is a bit confused by the migration of birds from other, usually more northerly areas.
Nevertheless, the association finds that widespread use of metal for roofs is still confined mostly to the Western states and extreme northerly areas.
Most of the refugees who have entered Iran so far crossed through more northerly areas.
Control of chaptalization is fairly strict in many countries, and generally only permitted in more northerly areas where grapes might not ripen enough.
The principal scarlet sector changed not at all, but the more northerly area grew less red.
Some northerly areas of that area would now be considered Southern Russia.