The farm lies on the northeast tip of Provo.
On the northeast tip is a stone lighthouse, which was built in 1833, and was restored in 2000.
The village was at the northeast tip of what is now Madison Park.
The depression did not intensify as it moved to the northwest brushing the northeast tip of Luzon on September 2.
The hurricane crossed over the northeast tip of the Yucatán Peninsula on August 28.
The Canadian Pacific Railway transcontinental main line passes at the northeast tip of the lake.
The station halt is located on the northeast tip of the university's grounds, 1.5 km from the university's academics compound.
On a sticky afternoon near the northeast tip of Florida, a 24-year-old with a precocious manner emerged from the shade for his latest bold endeavor.
It is relatively narrow at points, but broader toward the base and the northeast tip.
Early that evening he arrived in Scrabster, at the northeast tip of Scotland.