In the northeast of the district, the Mshinskoye Boloto Zakaznik was created to protect the swamp landscape with the pine-tree forest.
The district is adjacent to Lakeside Park, which lies to the east and northeast of the district.
In the extreme northeast of the district the Vishera Nature Reserve is located.
There are swamps, particularly in the south, east, and northeast of the district.
The town lies in the northeast of the district.
It is in the northeast of the district where it forms part of Jhando Mari Taluka.
The Tatun Volcano Group is located northeast of the district.
Aspen Ridge is located northeast of the commercial district within the University Heights Suburban Centre.
It lays in the northeast of the district of Ludwigsburg.
The northeast of the district is in the basin of the Syamzhena River, a major tributary of the Kubena.