Fourth, and perhaps most significantly, they were able to reach 77 45' North latitude, a record which held for 236 years.
They run from 8 to 33 north latitude and 170 to 200 west longitude.
The eastern continental land mass, it seemed, and at about 38 north latitude.
Its range is between 85 and 72 north latitude.
It grows from 24 to 18 North latitude and 1800 to 2700 m above sea level.
It is located at 24.6 north latitude and 65 west longitude.
Its location is 12.6 north latitude and 58.3 west longitude.
It is located at 54.7 north latitude and 146.7 west longitude.
It is located at 18.9 north latitude and 125.5 west longitude.
It is located at 41.8 north latitude and 351.4 west longitude.