The field, which challenges normative views of biology, is generally divided between theoretical and applied biosemiotics.
There are various normative views and long-standing opinions regarding the proper use of comments in source code.
He did not have this very American, normative view, that whether through pills or through psychotherapy, we can conquer all our demons and find smiley-faced happiness.
Normative institutionalism is sometimes seen as the "original" new institutionalism; much of the introduction of this article relates to a normative view of institutionalism.
This is a descriptive rather than normative view, since it only makes claims about how things are, not how they ought to be.
Although Hare used many concepts from Kant, especially the idea of universalizability, he was still a consequentialist, rather than a deontologist, in his normative ethical views.
A normative view.
Such a situation is the norm for all political and social theories which are guided by normative views and desires.
Furthermore, the lack of a normative view of the world curtails the ability to propose anything more than a policy prescription, which by definition always assumes a given context.