It normally weighs 14000 pounds and stands 12 feet tall at the shoulder.
My friend, who normally weighed about 150 pounds, was down to about 80 pounds after his term was up.
A Kachora normally weighs 500 to 600 grams.
The Scaled Pigeon is 36 cm long and weighs normally about 290 g .
For example, one teammate said the 6-foot-2-inch DeOssie, who normally weighs 250 pounds, recently weighed 275.
The Longuemare's Sunangel is 9.4 cm (3.7 inches) long (not with the bill) and normally weighs 5.3 grams.
The Ariegeois normally weighs approximately 28-30 kg.
A cow's-milk cheese, it normally weighs about 2 kg (approximately 4.5 pounds).
The heads normally weighed between 4 and 8 cwt each, and were usually arranged in sets of four, in timber frames.
The toilet can be removed with the tank attached, but both pieces together normally weigh about 100 pounds.