What could have occurred that unnerved such normally unflappable Bears?
That's what had so upset the normally unflappable starsailor!
Phil, normally unflappable, raised his voice - very slightly.
The normally unflappable MacGuiness stared back at her, and his jaw dropped.
His normally unflappable, if rather supercilious, secretary seemed to be unable to handle the current situation.
The normally unflappable Mora had a pained look on his face.
The normally unflappable druids' stunned expressions amused him, so he decided to startle them a bit more.
Duval was his normally unflappable self today, though he was playing with Woods for the first time.
The normally unflappable Scarpetta finds herself hyperventilating and nearly shooting her own niece.
When the normally unflappable Duval becomes undone, you know this is not a picnic.