In March 1995, Kramarov underwent normally routine surgery to remove a bowel tumour.
This asana can put significant strain on the cervical spine, which does not normally undergo this type of stress, and can cause injury if not performed properly.
Lake chubs normally undergo spawning migrations in early summer.
After leaching, the leach liquor must normally undergo concentration of the metal ions that are to be recovered.
One submarine is normally undergoing maintenance and the remaining two are in port or on training exercises.
Whereas pyridine does not normally undergo a Diels-Alder reaction, arsabenzene behaves as a diene with hexafluoro-2-butyne.
Uranium-238, on the other hand, is not fissile as it does not normally undergo fission when it absorbs neutrons.
I want you to consider this examination as an extended version of the debriefing process you would normally undergo at the hands of your Flight Operations Officer.
In many materials that normally undergo a freezing transition, rapid cooling will avoid this phase transition and instead result in a glass transition at some lower temperature.
Most precancerous or cancerous cell changes occur in the cervix at the transformation zone, because these cells normally undergo constant change.