Meanwhile, students are reeling from the scandal at the normally tranquil campus, 85 miles southwest of Detroit.
The eruption of violence flabbergasted people in this normally tranquil city.
But two weeks ago the violent siege of a normally tranquil middle class Rio neighborhood pushed the authorities to sound a new alarm.
A moment later he emerged, his sober and normally tranquil face red with rage.
His normally tranquil black cat, Fuji, occasionally will climb into the attic, sit in the middle of the floor and cry for no apparent reason.
The normally tranquil town of Reading had caught murder fever.
By next morning, the normally tranquil common near Malvern, had become a travellers shanty town.
Her normally tranquil face held an emotion Sulu almost didn't recognize, he saw it there so seldom.
Streets around the normally tranquil town of Morton in Marsh were sealed and long traffic jams built up.
As bullets flew down the normally tranquil street, one officer used a bulletproof shield to protect three young children playing nearby, a police spokesman said.