Protoplasts are plant cells that have been denuded of the outer walls of cellulose that normally surround them.
And what brings you comfort and happiness when you're separated from everything that normally surrounds and defines you?
The disease damages myelin, a fatty substance that normally surrounds and protects the nerves.
I failed to familiarize myself with the protocols normally surrounding a visit by a member of the College of Cardinals.
But with the setback on the constitution, raw emotion has replaced the politesse that normally surrounds these meetings.
The Cyclone fence that normally surrounded it had been blown out of the ground in sections.
Gardens normally surrounded village dwellings.
"The [Byrd] opinion exhibits a confusion that exceeds even that normally surrounding a balancing test, and lower courts understandably experienced considerable difficulty in applying it."
The cells are arranged end to end and the cell walls which would normally surround the whole cell dissolve where ever they are touching another cell wall.
"Clearly some of the anticipation that normally surrounds these numbers may be lessened because of the Fed's action today," Mr. Fine of Chase Securities said.