Now a number of issues are percolating in this normally staid conference.
Suddenly, the normally staid convention bristled with dramatic tension.
He cultivated a casual and charismatic image in the media that marked a departure from the normally staid nature of Chinese politics.
The joint appearance of the two women brought unprecedented passion and frenzy to the normally staid bar proceedings.
But the appraisal so angered the conservatives that the normally staid bar association became a target of searing criticism.
Monroe created chaos among the normally staid British press.
This is one of those times when the normally staid league takes on the aura of a latter-day attack-terrier trust-buster.
His performance Friday afternoon elicited cheers after the first movement and a rousing ovation at the end, even from the normally staid matinee audience.
The opening is an offshoot of the normally staid Four Knights Game and is defined by the moves:
Few topics have roiled the normally staid field of patent law more than the expansion of patents into the software industry.