Other uses include dharma, normally spelled with a small "d" (to differentiate), which refers to a phenomenon or constituent factor of human experience.
I meant, it's not how gone is normally spelled.
Aspirates are normally spelled as in Standard German, namely with 'p', 't', 'k'.
The Leadville version is normally spelled as two words: "Ski Joring".
The name came from that of the firm's founder, Frederick R. Burley, who felt that his name as normally spelled was not appropriate to his products.
Historically, the name was normally spelled in Welsh either as Tywyn or Towyn.
The statement used an unusual spelling for the nephew's name, which is normally spelled "Willy."
Like the IPA, they represent phonemes differently from the ways in which the phonemes are normally spelled.
During his playing career his surname was normally spelled as three words: Paul Van Der Haar.
Even though named after the Mojave River, the fish's name is normally spelled "Mohave".