Urease breaks down urea (which is normally secreted into the stomach) to carbon dioxide and ammonia.
Researchers found that low levels of cortisol, a hormone normally secreted by the brain in response to stressful or threatening situations, is associated with persistent and early aggression.
A1AT is normally secreted by the liver cells into the serum.
The hydrophobic leader sequence indicates that the protein is normally secreted.
He demonstrated that progesterone was normally secreted by males, and testosterone by females, if only in limited amounts.
These hormones are normally secreted from nerve cells in the brain that then circulate into the blood.
The precise function of myocilin is unknown, but it is normally secreted into the aqueous humor of the eye.
Cullingworth had strong views upon the subject, holding that the waxy matter was really the same thing as the glycogen which is normally secreted by the liver.
H. pylori, it turns out, voraciously breaks down urea, a body byproduct normally secreted in urine.
Hemolysin is normally secreted by the bacteria in a water-resoluble way.